1912 Pumper Patricia on order

Historical period: The Pre-Explosion Period

Report of Committee of Fire Wards, August 7th, 1912

Under authority from the council, and in response to advertisement in the newspapers, the committee, on July 18, received and opened tenders for a 600 gallon motor driven combination water pump, chemical and hose carrying apparatus from a number of different concerns, and appointed a sub committee, including Mr. Cameron W. Wickwire as an expert to assist them. The sub committee having reported to your committee that they are not in a position without further information that is contained in the tenders for to make a selection from the facts before them, it is recommended that chief engineer Condon, be authorized to visit cities in which such apparatus is in use, including Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, Springfield, New York, and Boston, while he is on his holidays, and that Alderman Harris, while attending the convention of the Union of Canadian Municipalities, be requested to go to New York, etc., With Mr. Condon, the cost to the city, not to exceed $150.[1]

[1]   Source: Halifax Municipal Archives, City of Halifax Council Minutes, 1912-06-20to1912-08-07p157-0201



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