1817 Regulating the Conduct of the Military at Fires

Historical period: The Union Engine Company

1817 Regulating the Conduct of the Military at Fires

• On January 9, 1817, as a result of the committee formed on December 20, 1816, to confer with the Garrison Commander, general orders (Halifax Firewards meeting minutes 1804-1835) were issued to govern the conduct of the military at fires in the town of Halifax, and an agreement was ratified “whereby one hundred buckets were stored near the guard rooms” (de Lottinville and Weaver 1980, p. 432).

          Adjutant-General's Office,
          Halifax, January 9, 1817

1.-On an alarm of Fire, the several Guards and Pickets are to be immediately under arms, and wait the orders of the senior officer in the Garrison, or the field of the day.

2.-All officers and men off duty, will repair as expeditiously as possible without arms to their regimental parades, and each corps to remain in Barracks, until it receives orders to be marched towards the Fire.-The commanding officers of Corps will then detach such men as may be required with officers and non-commissioned officers in proportion, to form Ranks and assist in passing Water, or otherwise, as the Firewards may desire.

3.-Any Soldier found out of the Ranks, or absent from the post assigned him, will be punished by a Court-Martial.

4.-The field officer and captain of the day, will (in concert with the Firewards and Magistrates,) employ the Pickets in the most advantageous manner for the security and protection of property. The Military Fire-Engines are to be moved without delay towards the Fire and the commanding officers of Corps who furnish men for the Engines stationed in the North and South-Barracks, will detach a subaltern officer to take charge of their men with the Engines, who will report to the Firewards, and then cause their directions to be strictly adhered to.

5.-Any non-commissioned officer or soldier, who may be found otherwise employed than above stated, or detected in taking away Goods or Furniture without orders from the Magistrates or Conductors of the Firewards, will be immediately taken up and confined.

6.-The Town-Major will patrole the streets contiguous to the Fire and take up all straggling Soldiers who may be found out of the stations allotted to them.

7.-Commanding officers of corps will be near the station where their men are employed and see that these orders are punctually obeyed, keeping always a proportion of officers with the men employed. One hundred buckets are placed near the Guard Rooms in the North and South Barracks; the officers in charge of those Guards are responsible that these Buckets are never taken from their places, except when to be made use of in the event of a Fire, or when the Engines are ordered out.
By command, CHARLES DUKE,
Deputy-Adjt. General


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