1918 McLaughlin Roadster ~ Chiefs Churchill's Car


  • June 6th 1918 from Board of Control Minutes:

Tenders are received and opened for a motor car for the Chief of the Fire Department.


Nova Motor Co. Royal Mail Chevrolet $1436.00

C.M. Jack Buick $1100.00

Robinsons Ltd. Reo $2400.00

Chas. Brister&Son McLaughlin $1575.00

Do Do $2000.00

Hlf. Automobile Co. Overland $1675.00

It was recommended to Council the purchase of a McLaughlin car at $1575.00 a duplicate of the Chiefs car destroyed in the explosion of December 6th.

Source: https://www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/about-the-city/archives/102-2A-1918v.1_p.001To193.pdf page 181


  • June 28th 1918 from Board of Control Minutes:


Car for the Chief of the Fire Department as follows:-


Halifax N.S. June 27th 1918

Controller J.J. Hines,



Dear Sirs:-

In answer to your inquiry about the type of Car we proposed to supply your department would say it will be a McLaughlin (6) Cylinder this years model; Tires to be non-skid, pricw fifteen hundred and seventy five dollars ($1575.00).

Should your board decide to purchase a McLaughlin (6) cylinder same type as was purchased for your Fire Chief, with non-skid tires the price will be Nineteen hundred dollars. ($1900.00).

Would say in both cases Cars will be free of war tax.

Chas. Brister & Sons Ltd.

Per. Geo. Brister.

Referred to Controller Hines for further investigation as to whether Messers Brister's tender is for a duplicate of the Chief's Car lost in the explosion.

Source: https://www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/about-the-city/archives/102-2A-1918v.1_p.194To372.pdf page 299


  • July 9th 1918 from Board of Control Minutes:

Read report Fire Department Chauffer Cameron W. Wickwire re. tender of Chas. Brister & Son for a motor car for the Chief of the Fire Department, as follows:

Halifax, July 3/18

Board of Control

Re Fire Chief's Car


I beg to report as follows; In my opinion the McLaughlin car (Model E 6-44_ aside from the fact of having a very powerful si cylinder motor of latest design and many other good features is particularly adapted for use as a Fire Chief's car on account of having medium long wheel base (115 inches) medium size tires (34x4) and full cantilever rear springs. These three features combined with medium weight will give excellent results when the car is driven over rough streets, it will not pitch, switch or slue nearly as bad as a shorter or lighter car and it will hold the road as well as heavier cars.

G,W, Wickwire

Moved by Controller Hines seconded by Controller Taylor that the City Council be recommended to purchase a McLaughlin 6 cylinder Motor Car at $1900.00 from Chas. Brister & Son. said car being the nearest duplicate obtainable at the present timeof the Chief's Car destroyed in the explosion of December 6th.

Motion put and passed Controllers Taylor, Hines, and Murphy voting for the same and Controller Finlay and the Deputy Mayor against it.

Source:https://www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/about-the-city/archives/102-2A-1918v.1_p.194To372.pdf page 342

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