1917 McLaughlin Roadster ~ Chiefs Car


  • June 5th 1917, from Board of Control Minutes:

It was decided to allow selection of a car for the Chief of the Fire Department to rest with His Worship the Mayor and Controller Hines with power to purchase.

Controller Finlay dissents from this recommendation.

Source: https://www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/about-the-city/archives/102-2A-1917v.1_p.108To291.pdf page 115

  • July 3rd 1917, from Board of Control Minutes:

Read account Chas. Brister & Son, Limited, $1480.00 for a D-44 McLaughlin with spare tire, for the Chief of the Fire Department.

The Account is passed for payment.

Source: https://www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/about-the-city/archives/102-2A-1917v.1_p.108To291.pdf page 194


  • June 6th 1918, from Board of Control Minutes:

Tenders for Damaged Fire Chief's Car

Tenders are received and opened for the purchase from the City of thr Fire Chief's Car destroyed in the explosion of December 6th, as follows:-

Nova Motor Co. $160.00

Chas. Brister & Son $220.00

P.J. Johnson $151.00

The offers being considered too low, it is decided not to accept any of them. 

Controller Hines is requested to report as to the repairing of the Car and to have an estimate of the cost prepared by C.W. Wickwire of the Fire Department. 

Source: https://www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/about-the-city/archives/102-2A-1918v.1_p.001To193.pdf page 181


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