1844 Engine No.3


Council minutes of September 25, 1843:


"[...] Whereas the necessity of procuring a new Engine in the place of No.3 disposed of, is of great importance, Resolved that the Firewardens be requested to ascertain the description of such an Engine as may be most serviceable and report on the same to the City Council as early as possible, which on being put is passed."


Council minutes of October 13, 1843:


"Read following letter from Chairman of Firewards dated 15th July 1843.


Halifax, July 15th 1843




Your letter of the 7th instant with the accompanying extracts from the Records of the City Council, I duly received. In reply, I beg leave to express the regret generally felt in being debarred the utility of so important en Engine. should a serious fire occur, I fear the want of one in place of [old] No.3 would be attended with serious consequences, not only rendering the Fire Department inefficient but obviating the exertions of the Union [Engine] Company in conveying water from the Harbour to central parts of the City. In the disposal of No.3 Engine, it was fully expected a new one would have been ordered to supply the vacancy. Therefore I beg leave to suggest to His Worship the Mayor the propriety of borrowing a sum adequate on security to enable His Worship to carry out so desirable an object with as little delay as possible.


If deferred until January, it is evident no Engine will be provided until April or May next, leaving the City during the hazardous and inclement Season of the year short of an Engine. I therefore trust His Worship the Mayor will take the importance of this service under his favourable consideration and with the advice of this Council, concur in meeting the wishes of the Firewardens.


Remain, very respectfully you obedient servant

Signed: Jo Lee, Chairman"


* An appeal to fire insurance companies to help finance a new engine returned negative results. the Council minutes relative to the correspondence with those companies was not included here.


"Also one of 30th September 1843.


Sir, I duly received your letter of 27th instant with the accompanying Extracts from the Records of the City Council.


In reply, I beg leave to inform you at a meeting of the Firewards held yesterday to discuss the subject, a committee was appointed to take into consideration the purport of your Extract. For the information of His Worship the Mayor, I now beg leave to enclose you their report fully on the subject.


I have the honor, Sir, to be your most obedient servant

Signed: Jo Lee


Halifax 30th September 1843.


Read following report of Committee of Firewardens relative to description and purchase of a new [Fire] Engine. 


We, the undersigned, being a Committee appointed by the Board of Firewardens for the City of Halifax, to take into consideration the size and qualifications of an Engine in lieu of No.3, from the best information we could possibly obtain with our own judgement and experience, are of opinion that an Engine of equal power to No.1, with nine inch chamber, nice inch stroke of piston, with three lengths of Suction Hose each six feet, with a suitable branch or director, also 10 lengths of leading Hose forty feet each, is one most approved of for general use. The Engine and materials to be of the best description, the Hose to correspond with the leading Hose of No.1 Engine for general purpose, and more particularly to convey water from the Harbour to crucial parts of the City, do recommend the foregoing description of Engine be adopted.


We are also of opinion an Engine of the above quality, if imported from London with the necessary Materials would cost about two Hundred and fifty Pounds Currency; if from Scotland, it may cost less, and if from the United States, in our opinion the difference premium, exchange and charges would considerably reduce the sum specified, all of which we beg leave to submit for the consideration of the Board.


We remain, Sir, your obedient servants

Signed [?] Crawford

William Caldwell

John Longard


When the following Resolution is introduced.


Resolved, that Alderman Caldwell, Mr. Sinclair and Pryor be a Committee to ascertain the expense of procuring from the United States an Engine of the description reported upon by the Fire Department as required for the use of the City and report thereon, which on being put is passed."


Council minutes of December 28, 1843:


"The following report of the Committee appointed to obtain information relative to expense of a new Fire Engine is read, when the following Resolution is introduced.


Resolved that an Engine be imported from England agreeably to the Report of the Committee just read and that those Gentlemen be requested to carry this Resolution into effect, which on being put is passed.


Halifax, December 26th 1843.


The Committee appointed by the Council to make the necessary enquiries as to the cost of importing an Engine from England and the United States or elsewhere be leave to report:


That from the information obtained by them on the subject both from England and the United States, they would strongly recommend to the Council to import an Engine from London.


The expense of an Engine of the size recommended by the Fire Department would cost, including ten lengths of Hose of forty feet each length, according to an Estimate received from M. W. Filley about the sum of £250 Sterling, while an Engine from the United States of the same size without any lengths of Hose would cost from $1000 to $1200.


The Committee herewith respectfully submit for the consideration of the Council the information obtained by them on the subject.


Signed William Caldwell

Dick Sinclair

Harry Pryor"


Council minutes of June 25, 1844:


"Mr. Sinclair submits letter, invoice and Bill of Lading from Filley relative to Engine intended for use of City."


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